

How Africa is caught up in global power play as tensions rise this year

Image Credit: Euractiv

By Bob Wekesa

Winding down 2024 and welcoming 2025 is a space-time moment to reflect on Africa and the world. In
2024, global tensions from previous years and decades continued unabated.

It is as if the change in time did not have a material impact on the geopolitics forged in geo-strategy. In
2025, expect a continuation of global competition on terms set along the West-East, Global North-Global
South rifts. Africa, a geopolitical battleground, will be pulled in either of these directions with immense
political, cultural, and economic consequences. German political theorist Carl von Clausewitz (1780 –
1831) intoned that “war is the continuation of politics by other means”.

Last year politics and diplomacy tumbled and wars with great ramifications for Africa ratcheted. Two
conflicts particularly shaped world politics. The Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Gaza wars have come to define
global geopolitical postures, breaching the 2024-2025 interval.

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